Arshad Ali
Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Ali is Associate Professor of Information Technology and Head of Accreditation & Quality at Islamic University, Al Madinah Al Munawarah, Saudi Arabia. He holds the current post since 2018. He specializes in the area of Wireless Sensor Network. He also working with ABET as Program Evaluator (PEV). He also available for ABET Accreditation consultancy in private capacity. He joined Aston University, Birmingham, UK and obtained his MSc Telecommunication Technology in 2007. In 2007, he joined Geotechnical Group, Department of Engineering, and University of Cambridge as Research Ass. (2007- 2009). In 2009, he was awarded a PhD (2009- 2012) scholarship from the Lancaster University, UK and he awarded PhD in 2012. He worked on the UK-NEES project and designed communication system for live experimentation between UK Universities (Cambridge, Oxford and Bristol). He was also part of the project at University of Cambridge “Installing Wireless Sensors in London Underground Tunnels” and it was collaborated with Imperial College, London. He is currently working as Assistant Professor and the Head of the Quality and Accreditation (ABET, NCAAA) in Islamic University Al Madinah Al Munawarah, KSA. His research interests are in the field of Wireless Sensor Network.
Abstract : A framework for air pollution monitoring in smart cities by using IoT and smart sensors